MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Real-time audio sources classification

Participants : Christophe Biernacki, Maxime Baelde.

Recent research on machine learning focuses on audio source identification in complex environments. They rely on extracting features from audio signals and use machine learning techniques to model the sound classes. However, such techniques are often not optimized for a real-time implementation and in multi-source conditions. It is proposed here a new real-time audio single-source classification method based on a dictionary of sound models (that can be extended to a multi-source setting). The sound spectrums are modeled with mixture models and form a dictionary. The classification is based on a comparison with all the elements of the dictionary by computing likelihoods and the best match is used as a result. It is found that this technique outperforms classic methods within a temporal horizon of 0.5s per decision (achieved 6% of errors on a database composed of 50 classes). Future works will focus on the multi-sources classification and reduce the computational load. This work has been accepted in 2016 to be presented in 2017 to an international conference in Signal Processing [32].

It is a joint work with Raphaël Greff, from the A-Volute company.